A written constitution would provide a permanent form of government, limited in scope, but effective in providing both liberty and order. Ronald Reagan, March 17, 1978
When did the pledge begin?
Candidates and elected officials began taking the pledge in 2007 but the idea began in 1990.
What are the benefits of the Pledge?
The Stop Withholding Pledge promotes openness and transparency in government which all major political parties claim to support. It improves fiscal stewardship by enabling the taxpayer to see what they are paying in taxes. It improves Washington’s responsiveness to taxpayer concerns and improves the taxpayers understanding of the power now held in Washington.
Will the Pledge impact government revenue?
The Stop Withholding Pledge is completely revenue neutral. The pledge does not require that signers support lowering taxes nor does it take any stance that approves of raising taxes. It merely impacts how taxes are collected. Likewise, instead of giving the Federal government a tax-free loan, you get to use your money until your taxes are due. Ending withholding taxes only delays with collection, not revenue rates.
How long is the Pledge binding?
As the Pledge is a prerequisite for many voters, the Pledge is considered binding for as long as the office-holder holds the office for which he or she was elected.
What would it take to repeal the Withholding law?
A repeal of the Withholding law would only require a majority of both houses of Congress and the signature of the President. Since the Pledge is revenue neutral, politicians of all persuasions should support the Pledge.
Will it make collecting taxes more difficult?
Since there are no changes in filing requirements, the Pledge will not make collecting taxes more difficult. The same reporting and filing requirements are applied with or without withholding.
How many members of Congress have taken the pledge?
Totals will be available at the end of 2007.
Does the pledge limit policy votes on taxes?
The pledge does not stand in the way of any tax decreases, increases or revenue neutral changes to the income tax.
To whom, exactly, am I making this Pledge?
The Taxpayer Protection Pledge is made to voters in a candidate’s state or district–not to StopWithholding.com. StopWithholding.com administers the Pledge and helps to educate the public about it.
Do I have to take the pledge every time I run for office?
No. A candidate only needs to take the pledge once. Candidates are always welcome to take the pledge each election cycle and show their continued support of taxpayers.
Who has supported the Pledge?
The Pledge is supported by taxpayers of all persuasions:
a. Supporters of the FairTax; it does not conflict with their efforts.
b. Anyone with concern about Big Brother.
c. Supporters of liberty and freedom.
d. Supporters of a less corrupt government.
e. Supporters of a less intrusive government.
f. Supporters of a more open government.
g. Anti-war activists. What a better way to show the true cost of a war than to make people conscious of what they are paying to fund it?
h. Supporters of a more responsive government.
i. Citizens concerned about domestic spyingIn short, anyone who sees the problems of big brother, big government and wants to make others aware of the size and scope of government.
If you are not a candidate, what can you do to help politicians adopt the Pledge?
1. Ask candidates why they won’t take the Pledge by email, fax, telephone, or in an interview on CSPAN.
2. Encourage other candidates to support the Pledge to differentiate themselves from their rivals who care more about the power residing in Washington than the freedom of the citizens of the United States.
If you are a candidate, how does the Pledge benefit you?
The Pledge benefits your candidacy in many ways, some of which are:
1. It differentiates you from your opponent by showing your respect for the citizens of the United States.
2. It shows you are a non-Washington outsider who values the freedoms of your consituents.
3. It shows you know who pays the bills in Washington and that the money sent to Washington comes through hard work and the consequently people need to see where their money goes.
4. Individual political candidates who wish to differentiate themselves from entrenched incumbents should use the Pledge to do so. Since the Pledge is revenue neutral, the only objection that can legitimately be raised against the Pledge is that it is useful in retaining power in Washington.
5. Likewise the Pledge differentiates between the politicians who truly care about freedom for the citizens of the United States and the politicians who are in Washington to accumulate power.The party that backs, and eventually enacts, the Stop Withholding Pledge will be the party that controls government for the foreseeable future because it will be the party of the people of the United States, not the party of power in Washington.
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